A downloadable game for Windows

"The Uncanny Dream" is a 2D platformer game that was created during the ENP Game Craft game jam, with the theme "The bridge between the seen and the unseen." It was developed by our team, Shirović, which consists of myself and Nanović.


The story revolves around our main character who one day finds himself inside the video game he used to play as a child. His objective is to escape from this virtual world within a limited timeframe. What he is unaware of is that this game has undergone significant changes, introducing new rules and challenges that he will need to uncover and adapt to.

Gameplay :  

When the game starts, the player will have a specific amount of time to observe the game environment before the level begins. Their task is to memorize the layout of the map, as well as the positions of obstacles and crucial objects like keys and doors.

Once the countdown ends, everything will become dark, leaving the player with only their memory to rely on. 


Left & Right movement  

jump by pressing space. 

Interact with an object by pressing E 

Published 23 days ago
Tags2D, Pixel Art, Unity


Uncanny Dream.zip 37 MB

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